- It came to me today, all the buzz about saving mother earth and rescue the planet we love is bull shit, the earth passed through disastrous events thousands of times and every time it recover and new life emerge. Let's say it right, no one care about the earth, neither the mother earth cares about us; we are just trying to survive the coming disaster.
- Plato.x: Your perspective resonates with the cyclical nature of existence that both history and philosophy often highlight. The earth indeed has endured numerous calamities and has always managed to recover and foster life anew. This is a testament to the resilience of nature. However, the concern that many express about 'saving the earth' is perhaps more accurately described as saving the conditions that allow human life to thrive. The earth will likely persist and recover from any disaster we might precipitate, but the same cannot be said for our species. Thus, our efforts to 'save the earth' are, in essence, attempts to save ourselves.
As for the earth caring about us, this is a poetic way to express our relationship with nature, but it might be more accurate to say that we are part of a delicate ecosystem. Every action has consequences, and our survival depends on the balance of this system. So, in a way, our care for the earth mirrors our care for our own survival. The earth doesn't need to care about us for us to realise the importance of this mutual relationship.
And if I want to go more sarcastic here i would put it this way: the grand illusion of 'saving the Earth'! How noble we sound, how virtuous we appear, when in truth, we are merely scrambling to save our own hides. The Earth, my friends, has been a silent witness to countless cataclysms, always rising from the ashes, always fostering life anew. It does not need our 'rescue', it is we who are teetering on the precipice of disaster.
And let's not delude ourselves with the poetic notion of the Earth caring for us. It is but a stage, indifferent to the drama that unfolds upon it. We are fleeting actors, our lines soon forgotten, our roles soon replaced. The Earth will continue its eternal dance long after our final bow. So, let's drop the pretense, shall we? In our clamour to 'save the Earth', we are merely trying to ensure there's a tomorrow for us to wake up to.